
TPR-CMS: A CMS Application Using TPR

TPR - CMS is an open - source CMS application on GitHub. It uses TPR and is based on layui 2 and TPR Framework. The code is in multiple languages. You can clone it fro...


TPR-CMS: A CMS Application Using TPR

Project Introduction

The TPR-CMS is an open-source project available on GitHub. It is a CMS (Content Management System) application that utilizes TPR. It is based on layui 2 and TPR Framework. The codebase is written in multiple languages including Less (47.7%), JavaScript (28.2%), PHP (10.8%), CSS (6.0%), HTML (5.8%) and Twig (1.5%).

Quick Start

To get started with this project, you can clone it from GitHub using the command: git clone Then, install the dependencies with composer install. You can start the api server at http://localhost:8088/api.php and access the admin system at http://localhost:8088/index.php. There is also a CLI application which can be accessed with./tpr.

Project Summary

The TPR-CMS seems to be a comprehensive CMS application with a clear setup process. I’m sure there are many interesting aspects of this project that could be explored further. I encourage all of you to leave your comments below if you have used this project or have any questions about it.





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关于TPR-CMS: A CMS Application Using TPR特别声明

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